First things first, HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!

Last part of January:
A few things happened in January. But the main thing that occurred is that my job announced that the company was sold and that all office functions will be moving to SC. It's been a few weeks since the announcement and the new company has barely had any communication with us. Because of this, a few ladies have already found new jobs and it is starting to get pretty crazy and extremely overwhelming. I've been so busy working extra hours and bringing home work with me that all I do as soon as I'm done is fall asleep on the couch. Everyone has started packing up their personal items and here is my sad little box:
My goal is to get on the ball with finding a new job, since there is no incentive to stay. Jon has been my rock and extremely supportive and helpful in trying to figure out what I want to do (jobs, school, etc). Staying positive :)
Jon and I have been hoping for a snow day for a while now. The last week in January it snowed for a little bit. It wasn't enough to give us a snow day, but we did have a 2 hour delay, so it was more like a snow morning. We took Maxx out to the snow and he did not like it one bit. He kept walking straight to the door to get back inside. As soon as we got into the apartment he went straight into the blanket and hid his head. Poor little guy! He's just like his mommy and daddy, we don't do well in the cold. :)
Family Visit:
After a rough 1st month of the year, I was extremely excited to find out that my family was coming to visit. My mom, dad, little sister, little brother, grandma, and my two fur siblings came to visit. It was definately a house full and we had so much fun! They arrived very late Friday night and we probably only slept for a few hours. On Saturday, we walked to the Diner and had brunch.
Jon and Brittanie are on the other side of the camera. So they took a picture of themselves, that way they were in the picture too. :)
Mommy, Britt, and Me
Hudson Hornet and the Piston Cup (From Disney's Cars)
Family Selfie in front of The King ( From Cars)
Once you pass the cars, you enter another section that has all sorts of interactive tools, games, etc. We loved playing the Pit Crew game (I don't remember the name). It's two to a team and you are timed to see how fast your team is. One person is responsible for lifting the car, filling up with gas, and then dropping the car (once your teammate is done). The second person is responsible for changing the tire. I changed the tire, which is heavy to move. We raced with each other and I was pretty impressed as to how fast we were. I played twice, once with Britt and once with Jon. Here is a pic of Jon and I trying to beat y dad and brother's time.
We all slept in a little on Sunday. My parents were planning on leaving around noon, so that they would be home in time for the Super Bowl. The morning, we made a big breakfast with a Mickey Mouse theme!
Can you tell we're a Disney family?
My awesome mommy decided to make some food for us before she went. We love having pickings, so my mom made deviled eggs and put her famous meatball recipe in the crockpot before she left. Jon and I walked the dogs one last time before they all headed home. I love when my family comes to visit and hate that we all don't live a little closer. But one day, we all have plans of retiring and working at Disney! lol
Maxx and Lola cuddling and snuggling with Jon
Our fur family: Buddy, Maxx, and Lola
After they left, we were exhausted! Maxx barely slept the entire time they were here and he kept trying to get out of the room to be with the other dogs at night. The puppy bowl was on, but someone barely stood awake for the first five minutes and then crashed for the rest on the evening/night.
Completely knocked out! Look at that tongue!

Let the sickness begin:
That Monday started what I call The Becker week of sickness. Maxx was not feeling well and we ended up having to take him to the vet twice between the next two weeks. He's doing alot better know!
At work on Tuesday, I started sneezing like crazy. I figured it was allergies, but by Tuesday night, I felt horrible. I went to work on Wednesday and was so exhausted that I kept having to take mini breaks just so I could lay my head down for a few minutes. I felt worse on Thursday and ended up leaving work early to go home. I stayed home Friday and pretty muched slept the entire day. Maxx was feeling much better, just a stuffy nose, and must have thought that I was staying home for him to party. That little guy was all over the place and kept me entertained throughout the day! But I think he finally realized I wasn't feeling well and became my snuggle buddy. :)
That weekend was uneventful as two out of the three Becker's were under the weather. Jon was a champ at helping both of us get better. I worked on Sunday to make up my time and on the way home finally broke down and bought a humidifier.But I bought the most adorable one they had, Elliot the Elephant! Atleast now when we are sick, adorable Elliot will help make us better. :) be an adult or let my child side win....decisions, decisions
Last Week:Jon had to take Maxx to the vet as he barely slept because of a stuffy nose. He was given some antibiotics and is doing a lot better. I was feeling much better as well. Since we had Thursday and Friday off for our Ski trip, I worked late hours on Monday and Tuesday. By Tuesday night, we called off the trip because of the snow and freezing rain that was on its way. Wednesday we both worked until around 11 and then went home to beat the snow. By the time I was leaving, there was a lot of traffic and I had passed several accidents. We worked from home and took Maxx out to play in the snow. I think he liked it much more than last time.
It was still snowing on Thursday, so we worked from home again. We watched movies, caught up on some shows, drank lots of hot chocolate, and during our "lunch break" went outside to play. Maxx actually played in the snow! ...and licking it :)
A great work view: Hubby, crazy dog with his toy elephant and snow :)
Do you want to build a snowman?
Someone is tired from playing in the snow.
Valentine's Day:
I hope everyone had a great day with the ones you love (significant others, families, friends, and fur babies). Our Valentine's didn't go as planned, but we still had a lot of fun. We had plans of taking a trip to go Skiing on Thursday, but mother nature had other plans. Our vacation turned into a staycation....but we still had fun in the snow.
On Friday, we ventured out to get some Krispy Kreme donuts! The roads were still a little slick, but we were fine. We hung out with Maxx, played some games, and Jon played the game I gave him for Valentine's day. Maxx hasn't received his gift yet, because a delay in mail from the storm. For dinner we went to the Cheesecake factory. Yummy! We went for the first time last Valentine's day and had an awesome time. There menu is so big, that it took us a while to decide what we wanted. We ended up sharing a meal this time, because their portions are huge. I picked the cheesecake and had a hard time picking between the red velvet (we both got this one last year) and the pineapple upside down cheesecake. Although we have been talking about the red velvet for a year, we decided to try something new. BIG MISTAKE! The pineapple upside down cheesecake was okay, but it just didn't wow us like the red velvet last year.
We went to dinner early to beat the crowds and because Jon had a surprise for us that night. It was a painting class! It was a lot of fun and I can't wait to go back. The class was full and everyone was having a good time painting, eating desserts, and drinking,
Our tree! I love that our sides are so different :) I think I had alittle too much fun with my branches.
Hanging in our living room.
Well, that is it for now. Jon and I are currently having an Indiana Jones marathon and are about to start the second movie.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
XOXO, ~Katie