Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Big News

Gotta love Crush!

We are moving to Disney World.....I mean Florida!

Most of our friends and family found out last week when we officially announced it on Facebook, but I figured I'd make it official here as well.
This is how I feel. :)

Jon had a job interview in FL a few weeks back that he was very interested in. Last Monday he received the good news and so this little family will be making the move in less than 2 weeks! Now, two weeks is not a lot of time to find an apartment, pack up everything, and move down there, but we are doing it! Call us crazy, but the excitement makes it worth it. It is going to be a crazy two weeks, but knowing that there is castle at the end of the tunnel (get it), will make it worth it.

Charlotte is a beautiful city and we have had many adventures here and although we've enjoyed our time here in Charlotte, it just hasn't felt like home.We have both always loved the idea of living in Florida for different reasons (obviously mine is Disney and the beach). We would easily pick warm/hot sunny days over snow days any day of the year. We both just don't deal with cold very well (especially after this past winter).

Even on our honeymoon (which some of it was in Miami, Key West, and Disney World), we talked about how exciting it would be to live there one day. We both participated in the Disney College Program which gave us 6 months to experience the Florida life style while we were in college and loved it! With everything that has been going on at work, we decided to keep a look out for any possible positions either of us would be interested in applying for and see what happens. We came to the conclusion that we would regret not moving more than we would regret moving and deciding that Florida isn't the place for us.

How do you pack and move an apartment in two weeks? Our theory is Sell, Donate, Trash. We had been talking about getting a smaller apartment anyway and this helps encourage us to get rid of things we don't need. This weekend, I put out 4 large trash bags full of junk and donation pile has taken up a wall in our living room.

I have a feeling this is what our cars will look like on moving day.
We are excited to start this new adventure and I hope that you guys will read along through our journey.

TTFN (ta ta for now)!

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